Standby Power is your source for professional complete installations. We are experienced in installations, are factory trained and authorized distributers of Generac products, and are a warranty repair service center with stock on parts.

Get expert help choosing your system. Standby Power is specially trained to size home standby generators. We help customers like you select a home backup generator system—will discuss your backup power needs with you so that we can recommend the best standby power system. We explain installation and help you choose where your generator should be installed. We train you on your equipment and setup of remote monitoring it.

Complete Installations

Your system will be installed completely, with no hassles of you having to book trades and inspections yourself. We do everything from start to finish for you.

Extended Warranty

Our installations come with a 5 year warranty; most systems are eligible to upgrade to 7 years at no charge! We also offer extended warranties to further your coverage even longer. Compare that with other retail outlets that have as low as 1 year of warranty. 

Knowledgeable and experienced

Our installations are performed according to the proper local gas and electrical codes. We know the codes, regulations, and requirements concerning home standby generators. All our systems meet or exceed these mandatory rules, so you can be confident that your system has been installed correctly without any liabilities.

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